RNW Conceptdesign ئاپەکان

Delta City Rotterdam 1.2
RNW Conceptdesign
Rotterdam is a delta city par excellence. Dueto its location on the River Meuse and the North Sea the city, portand region need to be protected by a network of water barriers. TheDelta City Rotterdam app is a great way to explore the city whilediscovering the measures Rotterdam takes to protect itself againstthe ever present water: sea, river, rain and ground water. Uniquehotspots let you discover the broad network of innovative solutionssuch as multifunctional dykes, water plazas and the MaeslantBarrier. Learn about the actions Rotterdam as a delta city takes toprotect itself against flooding in a time where new challengespresent themselves as a result of climate change. Smart spatialdesign and multifunctional solutions contribute to a moreattractive and economically strong city. Discover how Rotterdamconnects water with opportunities!Now, with the Delta City Rotterdam app you can easily locate andvisit the places and constructions that keep Rotterdam safe, dryand attractive. Additional information in the hotspots give you allthe insight on how and why these measures work and how they arepart of an integrated strategy for the entire city. Navigate yourway across the sustainable world port city of Rotterdam!You need an internet connection to use this app.For more information on the Rotterdam Climate Initiative, pleasevisit www.rotterdamclimateinitiative.com- - - - - - - - - - -Background:Over 50% of the world population lives in cities. By 2050 thatwill be 70%. More than two thirds of the world's largest cities arevulnerable to rising sea levels as a result of climate change.Millions of people are being exposed to the risk of extreme floodsand storms.Through its Rotterdam Climate Proof programme, delta cityRotterdam is working to give optimal protection to and ensurepermanent access to the city and port, despite the effects ofclimate change. The ambitions and results achieved in the fields ofthe environment, climate, energy and water all contribute to anappealing and economically strong city and make Rotterdam asustainable world port city.Rotterdam is working together with Tokyo, Ho Chi Minh City,Jakarta, London, Hong Kong, Melbourne, New York City, New Orleansand Copenhagen in Connecting Delta Cities. Connecting Delta Cities(CDC) is a network of delta cities that are active in the field ofclimate change related spatial development, water management andadaptation. In order to exchange knowledge on climate adaptationand share best practices that can support cities in developingtheir adaptation strategies, CDC has been set up in the frameworkof the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40).For more information on delta cities, please visitwww.deltacities.com- - - - - - - - - - -About this app:App publication:Logo Rotterdam Climate Proof en Logo City of RotterdamDesign and development:RNW Conceptdesign with TremaniImages:Paul Martens, City of Rotterdam, Rotterdam Climate Initiative,Connecting Delta Cities, Rotterdam Central District, Kees Stuip,Edwin Prins, Pauline de Mare, Ferry van Steijn, Rotterdam ImageBank, DE URBANISTEN, Fred Libochant, Jan van der Ploeg, DavidRozing, Edwin Prins, Roel Dijkstra, RDM Campus, Rick Keus, MarcHeeman, Sebastiaan Knot, Hannah Anthonysz, Ossip van Duivenbode,DaarzijnSources:City of Rotterdam, Rotterdam Climate Initiative, Connecting DeltaCities, Historical atlas of Rotterdam (2004), P. van de Laar and M.van Jaarsveld, Ferry van Steijn, Delfland District Water Board,Schieland en de Krimpenerwaard District Water Board, HollandseDelta Water Board, www.atlas1868.nl
Sustainable Rotterdam 1.5.0
RNW Conceptdesign
A clean, green and healthy city wheresustainability contributes to a strong economy. This is theambition the Rotterdam Municipal Executive wants to work on withthe new Rotterdam Sustainability Programme. Reducing carbonemission by half, preparing for the consequences of climate change,improving air quality and reducing noise are the main topics of theprogramme. The Municipal Executive will invest 27 million euros inorder to achieve the green ambitions.With the app Sustainable Rotterdam you can see and visit all sortsof effort the city of rotterdam has achieved in the field ofsustainable urban development,'green' building, climate adaptationand the ambition to be a sustainable world port city.In the app, various locations are divided into themes green, water,and sustainable buildings & areas. These themes can be turnedon and off separately and you can also choose to view and visitonly the highlights of the cities' diverse and innovative ways toembed sustainability in everyday urban life.Download theSustainable Rotterdam app and see what Rotterdam does to become asustainable world port city.An internet connection is required touse this app.About this appApp publication 2014: Programmabureau Duurzaam and the City ofRotterdam.Design and development: RNW Conceptdesign and Tremani.Images:Paul Martens, City of Rotterdam, Rotterdam Climate Initiative,Connecting Delta Cities, Rotterdam Central District, Kees Stuip,Edwin Prins, Pauline de Mare, Ferry van Steijn, Rotterdam ImageBank, DE URBANISTEN, Fred Libochant, Jan van der Ploeg, DavidRozing, Edwin Prins, Roel Dijkstra, RDM Campus, Rick Keus, MarcHeeman, Sebastiaan Knot, Hannah Anthonysz, Ossip van Duivenbode,Daarzijn.Sources:City of Rotterdam, Rotterdam Climate Initiative, Connecting DeltaCities, Historical atlas of Rotterdam (2004), P. van de Laar and M.van Jaarsveld, Ferry van Steijn, Delfland District Water Board,Schieland en de Krimpenerwaard District Water Board, HollandseDelta Water Board, www.atlas1868.nl.
Duurzaam Rotterdam 1.5.0
RNW Conceptdesign
Een schone, groene en gezonde stad waarduurzaamheid bijdraagt aan een sterke economie. Dat is de ambitiewaaraan Rotterdam werkt. Halveren van de CO2-uitstoot, voorbereidenop de gevolgen van klimaatverandering, een betere luchtkwaliteit enminder geluidsoverlast vormen de rode draad in het programmaDuurzaam van de gemeente Rotterdam.De gemeente investeert 27miljoen euro om de groene ambities te realiseren. Daarmee wilRotterdam bovendien bereiken dat in deze collegeperiode voorminimaal 350 miljoen euro aan duurzame investeringen worden gedaan.Die moeten ook bijdragen aan meer werkgelegenheid voorRotterdammers. Rotterdam wil met het programma een betereleefkwaliteit realiseren voor haar bewoners en een nogaantrekkelijkere vestigingsstad worden voor bedrijven.Met de app Duurzaam Rotterdam kan de bezoeker zowel thuis als terplaatse zien wat Rotterdam al bereikt heeft op het gebied vanduurzame gebiedsontwikkeling, 'groen' bouwen, klimaatadaptatie enhaar ambitie om een duurzame wereldhavenstad te zijn en teblijven.In de app zijn de verschillende locaties onderverdeeld in dethema's groen, water en duurzame gebouwen & gebieden. Dezethema's zijn afzonderlijk aan en uit te zetten en er kan ook voorworden gekozen om alleen 'highlights' te bekijken.Download de appDuurzaam Rotterdam en zie wat Rotterdam doet om zich alswereldhavenstad duurzaam te ontwikkelen.Je hebt een (mobiele)internetverbinding nodig om deze app te gebruiken.Over deze appApp-publicatie 2014: Programmabureau Duurzaam en GemeenteRotterdam.Ontwerp en ontwikkeling: RNW Conceptdesign en Tremani.Beelden:Paul Martens, Gemeente Rotterdam, Rotterdam Climate Initiative,Connecting Delta Cities, Rotterdam Central District, Kees Stuip,Edwin Prins, Pauline de Mare, Ferry van Steijn, Rotterdam ImageBank, DE URBANISTEN, Fred Libochant, Jan van der Ploeg, DavidRozing, Edwin Prins, Roel Dijkstra, RDM Campus, Rick Keus, MarcHeeman, Sebastiaan Knot, Hannah Anthonysz, Ossip van Duivenbode,Daarzijn.Bronnen:Gemeente Rotterdam, Rotterdam Climate Initiative, Connecting DeltaCities, Historical atlas of Rotterdam (2004), P. van de Laar and M.van Jaarsveld, Ferry van Steijn, Delfland District Water Board,Schieland en de Krimpenerwaard District Water Board, HollandseDelta Water Board, www.atlas1868.nl.A clean, green andhealthy city where sustainability contributes to a strong economy.That is the ambition that Rotterdam is working. Halve CO2emissions, prepare for the impacts of climate change, improving airquality and less noise form the thread in the Sustainabilityprogram of the municipality Rotterdam.De municipality is investing27 million euros to realize. Green ambitions Rotterdam This wouldalso ensure that done. In this lecture period for a minimum of 350million euros for sustainable investments Which should alsocontribute to more jobs for locals. Rotterdam wants the program toachieve a better quality of life for its residents and a moreattractive location for businesses to town.The app Sustainable Rotterdam, the visitor can at home or on thespot to see what Rotterdam has been achieved in the field ofsustainable urban development, "green" building, climate adaptationand its ambition to be a sustainable world port and stay.In the app, the various locations divided into themes, green,water, and sustainable buildings and areas. These themes areseparately and off and can also be chosen to only 'highlights' tothe app bekijken.Download Sustainable Rotterdam Rotterdam and seewhat does to himself as a world port sustainably ontwikkelen.Jehave a (mobile) Internet connection required for in order to usethis app.About this appApp-publication in 2014: Programme Office and SustainableMunicipality of Rotterdam.Design and development: RNW Concept Design and Tremani.Pictures:Paul Martens, Rotterdam, Rotterdam Climate Initiative, ConnectingDelta Cities, Rotterdam Central District, Kees Stuip, Edwin Prince,Pauline de Mare, Ferry van Steyn, Rotterdam Image Bank, DEURBANISTEN, Fred Libochant, Jan van der Ploeg, David Rozing, EdwinPrins, Roel Dijkstra, RDM Campus, Rick Choice, Marc Heeman,Sebastian Knot, Hannah Anthonysz, Ossip of Duivenbode, ThereAre.Sources:City of Rotterdam, Rotterdam Climate Initiative, Connecting DeltaCities, Historical atlas of Rotterdam (2004), P. van de Laar and M.van Jaarsveld, Ferry van Steyn, Delfland District Water Board, andSchieland Krimpenerwaard District Water Board, Hollandse DeltaWater Board www.atlas1868.nl.